Gary Durham Consulting
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Case Studies: Tax & Estate Planning


About Gary Durham

Areas of Expertise

Case Studies

Business & Securities Valuation
Tax & Estate Planning
Divorce & Business Disputes


  • A family limited partnership sold a high tech business in exchange for an exotic variable payout contract. Gary valued the limited partnership units that were being transferred to family members of the general partner. Gary's valuation report was used to support tax and estate planning strategies.

  • Gary has prepared or managed approximately thirty valuations of family limited partnership units in partnerships owning closely-held businesses, real estate, and marketable securities. He has also prepared letters defending IRS challenges to discounts used in valuing illiquid and non-controlling interests in businesses.

  • An auto parts manufacturer and distributor transferred its trademarks and trade names from a Texas corporation to a Delaware corporation. Gary prepared valuations of the trademarks and trade names and calculated the appropriate royalty rate to be paid for the use of these assets.

  • The following summarizes a subset of the valuations Gary has prepared in support of various tax planning strategies:

    • Valuation of the common stock of a family owned steel wire manufacturer and distributor in Oklahoma
    • Valuation of the common stock of a vending machine manufacturer in the Midwest
    • Valuation of the common stock of a value-added distributor of copper pipe and the limited partnership units of the partnership that owned the stock
    • Valuation of the common stock of a hotel management company
    • Valuation of the common stock of a confectionary business and the limited partnership units in the partnership that owned the stock
    • Valuation of the common stock of an energy, art, and manufacturing businesses conglomerate
    • Valuation of the common stock of a custom steel forms manufacturing company
    • Valuation of a minority stock position in a pickle manufacturer

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